
Showing posts from May, 2019

A Day In The Life And Home Of A Child In An Informal Setllement

A day in the life and home of a      child in an informal settlement  I was sleeping in my shack and there was a big thunderstorm and there was a hole in my roof so the rain was dripping into my house .  By the time it was morning my house was filled with water up to my ankles , my shoes and clothes were sopping wet at school and so was my food , but our kind volunteers gave me some food to eat .  I devoured it as soon as I got it then I had to go to class to start studying for my maths test, we haven’t learnt very much in math but it seems like a lot for us because we have to walk home and then start studying. There is not much light in our shacks so I have to find somewhere light to study . I always do my homework under a lamp post, we don’t have a lot of text books at school so we have to rotate with them so on most days of the week I don’t get a text book to study with. At home I live with my mom, my dad, my brother and my grandma. My grandma is getting quite s

singing inspector

There I was in the big room when he walked in and my heart was pounding with fear. I was petrified, if I had to be honest I think he looks a bit strange. He wears long knickerbockers and looked like a hunting man. But then he called us to sing doh ray me fah and then tata and tete for warm ups.  I was so scared I felt like I had jumped out of my skin. Then he called Benny and I to come up fist to sing.  I got the fright of my life when I heard him say my name, because I didn’t know a single song. He asked  me what I could sing? I said we can sing pretty Polly, so he said sing it, and we did ,I was scared that I would get the words wrong and I still sang it though it went like this: Pretty Polly pretty Polly what’s o’clock what’s o’clock.   Mr R shouted that we were a waste of time and he called us voiceless idiots.  He sent us out of the class.