A Day In The Life And Home Of A Child In An Informal Setllement

A day in the life and home of a      child in an informal settlement 

I was sleeping in my shack and there was a big thunderstorm and there was a hole in my roof so the rain was dripping into my house .  By the time it was morning my house was filled with water up to my ankles , my shoes and clothes were sopping wet at school and so was my food , but our kind volunteers gave me some food to eat .

 I devoured it as soon as I got it then I had to go to class to start studying for my maths test, we haven’t learnt very much in math but it seems like a lot for us because we have to walk home and then start studying.

There is not much light in our shacks so I have to find somewhere light to study . I always do my homework under a lamp post, we don’t have a lot of text books at school so we have to rotate with them so on most days of the week I don’t get a text book to study with.

At home I live with my mom, my dad, my brother and my grandma.
My grandma is getting quite sick, and my brother is only four so when he needs to go to the toilet I have to go with him because the toilets that we have are quite dangerous.
If he went to the toilet by himself he might fall inside.
If he did he would really hurt himself. 

My shack is by the lake where everyone gets their water from , I think it is a bit unhealthy for us to drink that water because there is a lot of plastic in it. Every day I have to collect water for my family because my mom is busy looking after my brother and my grandma can’t get out of bed because she is to old to even walk.

I think that if the government gave us better housing materials to make our houses with we wouldn’t have such a hard time fixing our houses every time it rains.I think that if our school gave us more text books that would help a lot for us because each could study more , and get better marks.

I don’t think I cope very well in school because of all the things like having not enough tex books and not enough light slows me down a bit to learn, and I can’t afford stationary and we don’t have a library at our school so I struggle to read some of the questions that they give us in tests.

Me and best friend love to play soccer but we don’t have a big enough field , but then a man came to our school and took all the litter off of our field and he dug it up and made it bigger for us to play on !

So if you can help us in the informal settlement , please do.


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